Correlation and Test Repeatability Are Paramount
to Achieving Accurate Test Results.


Given the massive investment in man-hours and finances for any product development effort, as well as the compliance test cost, it’s critical that compliance lab readings are accurate and repeatable. This repeatability should not only encompass your test facility, but local and/or competing labs as well. This way compliance engineers testing at other facilities will have a repeatable testing experience, as well as correlation with other labs in your area.

Compliance testing - ca

Homologation Certication & Test

Compliance testing - ca

Homologation Certification & Test (HCT USA) is currently optimizing the ongoing process of site calibration, internal test station correlation and measurement repeatability. Test data shown on the left represents the RF Comb Plot from the REFRAD within our Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC).

Emco 4630 REFRAD
Sunol Sciences JB6 Antenna
HP 8593EM Test Analyzer
HP 8447D RF Amplifier
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